A new article is now available in early view at the American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Here, we show that improvements in cold tolerance acquired through adult acclimation and acclimation during development are both associated with similar changes in ion and water balance.

This integrative study was a collaboration with Jonas Andersen, Volker Loeschcke and Johannes Overgaard, all at Aarhus University.

Read the abstract or download the paper here (sorry about the paywall!).

AuthorHeath MacMillan

A new manuscript is now available (in early view) at JEB, entitled: Parallel ionoregulatory adjustments underlie phenotypic plasticity and evolution of Drosophila cold tolerance.


When exposed to low temperatures, many insects lose ion homeostasis, develop cold-induced injuries and die. Because low temperature performance is a key determinant of insect geographic distribution, understanding the mechanisms underlying this loss of ion balance is likely to be essential to developing predictive models of insect responses to climate change. Until now, however, it was unclear how ion homeostasis may be altered to improve cold tolerance, and how such alterations could be linked to extreme cold tolerance strategies.

In collaboration with colleagues at Western University and York University, I first demonstrate that species of the model insect genus Drosophila suffer a loss of ion balance at low temperatures, suggesting that the models developed for crickets and locusts apply to most insects. We then show that more cold-tolerant flies (both cold-acclimated individuals within a species, or more cold tolerant species) have altered hemolymph sodium balance and sodium pump activity.  

Finally, we show that even if flies have reduced hemolymph cation concentrations, they maintain approximately similar hemolymph osmolality, presumably due to the accumulation of compatible osmolytes. This hypothesis is consistent with accumulations of small concentrations of carbohydrates and polyols in response to cold exposure in Drosophila, and allows us to hypothesize a mechanistic route for the (repeated) evolution of freeze tolerance and freeze avoidance.

AuthorHeath MacMillan

The Overgaard lab just returned to Aarhus after an excellent trip to San Diego for the 2014 American Physiological Society Intersociety Meeting: Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in Physiology. Anders Findsen (second from the right) won a poster prize, and I was runner up in the Scholander competition for best oral presentation!

AuthorHeath MacMillan

Check out two new manuscripts out of our lab that are currently in press! The first, at The Journal of Experimental Biology (here) is a look at what really causes muscle resting potential to depolarize with chilling in the migratory locust. The second paper in Functional Ecology (here), is a test of what cold tolerance traits best predict the current distributions of Drosophila species.

AuthorHeath MacMillan

Need to extract hemolymph from Drosophila or other small insects? You're in luck!

Bryon Hughson and I have very recently had a manuscript accepted to the Journal of Insect Physiology where we demonstrate how to extract extracellular fluid from adult Drosophila

Check out the manuscript here.

AuthorHeath MacMillan

This week I received the excellent news that my application for funding from the Carlsberg foundation was approved! These funds will be used to buy some necessary electrophysiology equipment for the Overgaard lab, such as an A/D converter and an air table. Funding = good. Funding tied to beer = great! Does this mean I have to drink more Carlsberg?

AuthorHeath MacMillan